Monday, September 29, 2008

Yeah For Me!

Yes, I'm patting myself on the back. Scrapbooking is always fun, but getting feedback from your peers makes you feel very good about what you are learning and how you are growing as a digital artist. Today I received the ultimate compliment. I won a contest with a layout that I did of my granddaughter Taylor. I only had two photos to work with, a blurry one of her face and one of her back. I put them together with the challenge kit and a few special effects and it worked! I'm probably being overly critical, but I do see an error and a couple of things I would change, but hey, it won a contest! A gift certificate that I can buy scrapping supplies with. So, yeah for me, it is officially a good day........And here is the layout(which can also be seen at MellowButterflyShoppe):

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