Saturday, April 9, 2011

Annie and Audrey's MI Trip

Well, after working at this for seven or so hours I am now ready to admit defeat. I absolutely do not know what I'm doing. On my end, with the click of a button, a lovely slide show will run on the Picasa Web Site. All I can get to transfer over to here is this link. If you click on the underlined text it will take you to the page of photos. They all are great memories for me and I enjoyed every second of going through them and editing. Because I'm such a dork, all of the photos were something like 48"X32" and had to be scaled way down. Unfortunately, some that I was really looking foreword to didn't turn out at all.
I feel so blessed to have all of these new memories and am so grateful to my lovely daughters for coming all this way and bringing their delightful little daughters with them for all of us to meet. They are SO precious!

Annie and Audrey's MI Trip - Angel Urquhart - Picasa Web Albums: ""