Saturday, September 6, 2008

What do you do when you have thousands of photos, enough to make a bajillion scrapbooks, but no space to put it all? I have been shown the light! You digi-scrap! Thank you dear daughter for suggesting I try this. My goal is to be as good as you! I know I have a lot of ground to cover. I don't have the "fancy schmancy" camera, but I can compensate for that by learning how to enhance the photos I already have. If I work hard every day, I might have a slide show in, mmmmmm, I don't know, maybe a month.

Here is an example of how I really messed up a layout:

This is how it looks now that I've learned to pay more attention to details and revamped the whole thing:

I'm already learning some good stuff! Here is one more that I did today. I'm putting it on here because I really think it's pretty good for a beginner, and I finally figured out how to move objects around to where I want them. That was a real challenge for me.

Well, it's time to go back and do some more learnin'. I always say "The day you quit learning is the day you die." I hope to be learnin' for some time yet!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

You're a quick learner!!

P.S. Rob made it in okay.