Sunday, August 10, 2008


For days now I have been working on a slide show tribute to Jimmy. The first one I did turned out very well. Some of the pictures were a little out of order and a few were missing, but over all I thought it was a nice tribute to him. I made a couple of copies of it on DVD and then tried to put it here in my blog. Blogger didn't like the code and wouldn't publish anything but the code itself. All that work and no one would ever see it.
The next day I found the Slide website through Audrey's blog. After several more hours I had it remade and edited to fit. Next step, just push a button and it will publish to my blog. NOT! Blogger still didn't like the code. I published it to Face page and it went on my "fun wall" which you can't find because there are no buttons for it on my profile page.
Today I went back to Slide and made the slide show for the third time. I put it on My Space and it looks OK. Not as good as the original, but passable. I wanted to put a link to it here, but I don't know how. I tried the new code out on Blogger and you guessed it, didn't like the code! I deleted the 2 little things that it didn't like and it published what you see in the entry below. If you push the third button you should be able to see the pictures, but without the music it's a real disappointment. I'd like everyone to see it so if you know how I can put the full slide show on here, please let me know. If not, see if you can find it on My Space because right now my labor of love has me so frustrated that it is losing it's meaning to me.

1 comment:

Jacobson Five said...

Keep trying the code from slide. That hapened to me and then a day later I tried it again and it worked. It should still be saved on slide. I hope it works for you.