Tuesday, August 19, 2008


What do you do with depression? It's an unwanted piece of your life that you can't throw away like the trash that it is. You take your medication and keep your Doctor appointments. You force yourself to leave the safety of your home and try to intermingle with people because it's supposed to be good for you. What happens when the first person you meet makes you feel like crap because you intruded on their own crappy day? Me? I run like a scared rabbit back to the safety of my hole in the world. If someone intrudes into that safety zone and brings their issues with them, then I lock myself in. That's what the peep hole is for.
The telephone never rings. Maybe because I've forgotten to give the number to people who would call me, but then who would want to talk to a depressed person? That of course just makes me more depressed.
I don't like being depressed and angry. I wish that there was a switch that I could just flick it off and everything would be okay. Life just doesn't work that way though. Just like every other time, I'm going to have to suffer my way through this and hope and pray that I come out the other side relatively unscathed. Just like the twelve step programs, one day at a time.....Let Go and Let God, One Day At A Time! I could use your prayers too...sure wouldn't hurt.

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