Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Is anybody ot there?

Can anybody here me? I've got a lot of garbage stuff that I need to get off of my mind and that was the whole reason I started this blog in the first place. Then I found out that I had offended someone so I couldn't say how I felt anymore so I pretty much gave up this blog entirely. Now I'm trying to decide what to do and whether I even care or not. I'm in such a dark place that the feelings of others don't matter a whole lot to me right now. I need a place to write and this was it. I've put a tracker on it so I can see if anyone is paying attention. Then I'll know if I have to find somewhere else to put another bleepin' blog (I've got 3 already)where I can speak what's on my mind and only strangers will hear me until such time as I choose for others to know it (like when I'm dead).

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