Monday, November 10, 2008

I Must Break My Silence

How exciting is this...Audrey is having a baby GIRL!!!! The boys are absolutely wonderful, but after 3 of them she was really afraid to hope for a girl. I did a lot of hoping for her as I'm sure everyone who knew did. Today it was confirmed on her blog, baby is healthy and a girl! I am just overflowing with joy for their whole family.

Today is Isaac's Birthday so a shout out to him! Holla! Hope you had a happy day Igus, (I know that's not your name, but it was how you said it when I first met you so Uncle Dan and I still think of you as Igus sometimes.

I got an e-mail from my Aunt Linda today. We haven't seen each other in a gazillion years, so that was a super surprise. Now that she's found me I hope we will stay in touch.

I actually left the apartment today. Just for a little while, but I did it. Tomorrow a lady is coming to take me to Kmart. It's just to pick up my meds, but it's a real store and if I hurry I might even get a chance to look at stuff!

All this sounds like bland old everyday stuff for most people, but for me it's all exciting stuff. Enough to get me to blog again......

1 comment:

Jacobson Five said...

Thanks for being so excited for us. Isaac had a good birthday. We were gone most of the day, so sorry I missed your calls. Hope your having a good day.