Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Ellen Show loves to look a folks bad paid for photos. These pic's of mine fit into at least 2 catagories! Bad School Photos and Bad Perms.

This first one is bad enough because of the awful "Toni" perm, but the glasses really make it a winner.... and I can remember WANTING to wear glasses because I was the only one in the family that didn't! Silly kid!

This second one is by far the worst of the worst! Not only is the perm hidious, the dress is too ugly for words. To cap it all off I must have broken the photographer's camera (or maybe he just felt sorry for my parents!) 'cause the darned thing is out of focus!

I wanted to enter Ellen's contest, so I morphed the 2 pic's together into one butt ugly picture with an in focus face.

EEEEEEeeeeeeekkkkkkk!!!!!!! I should have done this for Halloween!

Now, I challenge you to top this for BAD photo's. If you do any morphing like I did you still have to show why.

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