Saturday, September 20, 2008

Convoluted Thinking


con·vo·lut·ed [ kónvə lootəd ]
1. extremely intricate: too complex or intricate to understand easily: convoluted sentences
2. very twisted: having many twists, coils, or whorls; the brain's convoluted surface

I can't remember who said it. Or the circumstances that led to it being said. Nevertheless I was told that I had convoluted thinking. Didn't know what it meant but it sounded like just another way of saying mixed up in the head. According to definition 2 above, my brain along with everyone else's, is indeed convoluted. The reference this person was making most likely had to do with #1 and being too complex to understand.

Being the convoluted thinking one I recently began to ponder just what was so complex about my thinking. Perhaps it is merely outdated and at times contradictory. My thinking/belief is also primarily faith based, I don't know where I got it from but is the core of my thinking/belief.

These are some of the things that I think/ believe:

1. All people are basically good and if you treat them with respect and kindness, it will come back to you 10fold. This goes equally for all of God's creations.

2. Remember that story of the man who was told he would receive a visit from God. There were three knocks on the door that day. I can't remember the exact details of the story but I'll just take license here and say the first was a child with no shoes, he was a cobbler and gave the child shoes. Disappointed he waited for the second knock. It was a homeless man who had no coat to keep warm on the cold winter day. He gave the man his coat and sent him on his way. It was getting quite late and the wonderful dinner he had prepared for Him was growing cold. At last there was a third knock upon his door. He was excited, at last he would look into the face of God. His heart fell as he opened the door to a beggar, hungry and needing a good warm meal. He looked at the clock and at the meal growing cold and invited the beggar in to share dinner with him. Later that night he fell to his knees in prayer, asking God why. You said that you would visit me today, why did you not come? But I did come, God replied ind answer to his prayer. Three times I knocked on your door today and each time you invited me in. I was the child with no shoes, I was the homeless man you gave your coat to and I was the beggar you invited in to share a meal with you.
I am so afraid that I will someday slam my door in the face of God, that I often go to extremes with my open door policy.

3. If they smite thee on the one cheek, then turneth the other. Sometimes it feels like my head is spinning, but oh well, that just leads me to....

4. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. Yeah, if you're patient, God is a much better punisher than I personally could ever be. I think of ways I'd like to get revenge, mostly in the "heat of the moment", but my general belief is; 4a. Let Go and Let God.

5. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I could combine this with #1 and shorten the list.

6. Even Jesus loved a prostitute. 6a. Judge not lest ye be judged.

7. Do nothing in excess. Based on the principals of the Word of Wisdom but simplified. Addiction is addiction. Drugs, alcohol, caffeine, food, smoking, sex, computer games, whatever....the WOW was meant to direct people to healthy living. Needs to be updated but it's still a good map to follow.

8. Honor thy father and thy mother. I had some problems with this, doing it too much. I was holding my father in such high esteem that no one (myself especially) could live up to my image of what should be.

9. Thou shalt not covet....anything! So what if your neighbor just got a 100 inch plasma screen TV with surround sound. If they feel the need to flaunt it, they have a problem. Settle for what you can afford and tell the neighbors to go home.

10. Think before you speak. That old saying that sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me is just not true. Broken bones and bruises heal, but once words leave your mouth you can never take them back.

For now I'll stop with those 10. Sound convoluted yet? Keep in mind that on one is perfect so I have a lot of conflict not being able to live up to my own beliefs.


Melissa said...

Hi, thanks for the comment on my blog :o)

In answer to your question: rar files are another type of compressed file, just like zip files. They are just much smaller in size, which is why I prefer that format.
There are a number of tools that will allow you to unzip .rar files. I use this one:
Hope this helps :o)


Deanna said...

Hmmm.... doesn't sound convoluted to me....does that mean I have convoluted thinking too... :)